Puppy price is listed on each puppy’s web page
Our puppies are in the middle of the house getting a lot of attention and just used to seeing humans constantly. They get handled at least 6 to 10 times a day to be let outside. . . much more work for us, but a far more socialized and easy-to-crate-train puppy for you.
Typical Per Puppy expenses
*$100 Hernia surgeries are also occasionally needed.
*$20 Micro-chipping
*$15-20 Vaccinations
*$10-15 Worm preventative
*$280 Coccidia preventative (Marquise) per tube (treats about 2-3 litters)
*$30-50 Vet check up per puppy, depending on which vet we have to use.
*$45 per bag Purina Pro Plan food, so that they get a good start at life with proper nutrition. I don’t care what other breeders “say” they feed, and even what little packets they hand out with the puppy. You can’t feed $45 dollar a bag dog food to your mothers and puppies and charge $200 for the puppies!
Advertising, is also very expensive. However, it is probably how you found our website, and why you are looking at this web page right now.
We also have professional quality pictures for which the equipment was a very expensive investment. It also takes much longer to do our photos and website than most other breeders are willing to do.
Very few Puggles are as cute as ours over-all. Cookie makes beautiful Puggles, as did Toby and Henry before him. It is so important to use good quality dogs, even when doing a mixed breed. We pay a lot of attention to the Beagle stock, as well. After 10 years, we know which females to use in order to produce the nicest looking Puggle puppies.
I have seen Puggles being advertised on the internet for as low as $200. I know of an Amish Breeder that sells them in Indiana for $200. Comparing us to them is like comparing Apples to Oranges.
How can they do this? It’s the economy of scale. When you look at the online ads and if you can click “Show all ads for breeder”, these are often the breeders that have 30-80 other puppies for sale, many litters, many breeds. You should be extremely skeptical of a breeder with 30 or more puppies for sale at one time. There’s no way those babies are getting any attention.
In order to have that many puppies at any given time, those breeders have to have 50-400 ADULT BREEDING DOGS. They are 100% pure puppymills. Those puppies are being grown like chickens used for food, in tiny cages or kennels. No thought to the care of the parents or puppies. Once the puppy goes, they don’t care what happens to it.
We don’t always have Puggles for sale, because we only have 6 adult Beagles, 3 Puggles and 1 Pug in our Puggle breeding Program (we do have show Boxers as well). In 2009 we also have started a “Foster Program” where a friend of ours has taken several of our Beagles, to offer all the dogs a proper pet home setting where they are LOVED! Any families interested in Fostering a Beagle, let us know. There is no cost for these dogs.
We love and care for all of our dogs. Our dogs are all fed Premium Purina foods, raw meat/egg supplements for health. They are all current on their vaccinations and worming schedule.
Our female dogs are not “over bred” to death. 4 litters is the most we allow before the mother is spayed.
All the parents live in our house, but spend plenty of time outdoors too. They are HAPPY dogs, raised ‘free-range’. Everybody in our area know where we live because of all the dogs running out in the field, unlike most breeders. . . where the kennels or barn are hidden out back.
Purchasing from a large breeder (puppy mill) supports a life of misery for the parent dogs. Few people would want that on their conscience. However, out of site, out of mind. No one really cares after they see the cute little puppy. That is how the Puppy mills continue to operate.
At the end of it all, taking into consideration all of the expenses, the thing that goes unmentioned is the amount of work required by having the pups in our home. Our friends and neighbors all think we’re crazy. It’s pretty noisy some of the time (OK, a lot of the time). There is no 8 hour work day. Brad gets up at around 4 am every day to get things going. He answers the phone whenever it rings, even on vacation, when eating a meal, or watching TV. Cleaning is a constant activity. The work never stops throughout the day, and really isn’t done until late in the evening. In fact, the work is never done, but we love it. Having loving dogs in our home at all times has become a way of life, and working with new people every day to complete their family with a wonderful fur buddy is very rewarding. We look forward to speaking with you soon.