Picking Up Your Puggle
When you come to visit or pick up your Puggle puppy:
People picking up their puppies in Kentucky are subject to the 6% Kentucky Sales Tax.
We do welcome visitors to our home. We feel it is important for people to see where their puppy was born and raised. At the same time puppy safety is our top concern, so we do have some guidelines for visitors.
We have literally hundreds of inquiries by phone, text and email ever year. We simply can not invite all of those people in to our home. Therefore, we do not allow people in who are not very serious about a specific puppy/puppies from a litter that we already have available and old enough for visitors. We do not allow people to just come out and look when they want a puppy months from now, because every visitor is a disease risk to our dogs and puppies.
Our puppies have had the Parvo virus twice in 18 years and both times were from people who were going from breeder to breeder, looking for that special pup and unknowingly passing on all the viruses each place they went. With that in mind, we ask that you not visit any high traffic dog areas such as dog parks, pet shops, other breeders, dog shows for at least 3 weeks before visiting our home.
We ask that you leave your current dogs at home. If you are traveling with them, please leave them in the car. I know some people want to have their dog meet our dogs, but we are trying to maintain as “closed” risk to our puppies as possible, and I’m sure of our customers 90% have dogs in perfect health, completely up to date and no problem, but it’s that 10% that we just can’t take a risk on, and honestly, most outside dogs are weird in the rare times that they have been to our house. We have dogs, horses, chickens, cattle all around us, it’s very overwhelming to a dog that has lived in the city or a subdivision.
We do not allow visitors to visit the puppies before they are 5 weeks of age and have had their first high-titer Parvo only vaccination. Really there isn’t a whole lot to see before that anyway, from a 35 day old puppy— they spend the first 10-12 days blind with their eyes sealed shut. Their lives are just eating, sleeping and going to the bathroom. Even at 5 weeks, they still don’t have half of the motor skills and coordination that puppies have at 8 weeks.
So you have decided to make the trip to Kentucky!
Many people decide to make a weekend of it and stay a night or two. The closest small city to the North is Elizabethtown Kentucky. There are many options as far as hotels and restaurants. We live about 30 minutes from E-Town.
Coming from the South, there is Bowling Green which also has a lot of hotel and dining options. That is about an hour from our home. If you would like to stay closer, there are a few hotels in Cave City and at other exits off I-65.
We are also very close 35-40 minutes from Mammoth Caves National Park which has lots of camping options and I believe they still have cabins.
There are many caves in our area. Mammoth Caves National Park is the largest. There is also Diamond Caverns, Horse Caves, Mega Caverns (Louisville), and a small cave inside the Kentucky Down Under Animal Park.

Kentucky Down Under
Kentucky Down Under is a very nice, small private park/zoo. It’s good for people with children, but be warned, there is a lot of walking. You can rent golf carts. There are several options where you can pay for food to feed the animals and birds. There is also a small cave tour that is free with admission, it’s really a good option for a first cave for younger children.

Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory
Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory in Louisville. I don’t know a lot about it, but I know a lot of our customers have been there and had good things to say.
Churchill Downs
Home of the the Kentucky Derby and Derby Museum. It’s famous for one day a year, but it’s open a lot more than that. Great for horse lovers.
The Corvette Museum and Factory
A wonderful tour in Bowling Green, I became a fan of the Corvette after seeing the place where they were “born”, it’s really exciting to see the car being first driven off the line. The museum was also very neat to see the different styles and era of cars— not to mention the sink hole!!!
Lincoln’s Birthplace
Though Illinois claims Abraham Lincoln, he was actually born not 50 miles from our farm in Hodgenville, Kentucky— which is also not too far from the beautiful Makers Mark Distillery. Which leads us to….
The Bourbon Trail
Fact, there are more barrels of Bourbon aging in Kentucky, than there are people! Check out your favorite Bourbon distillery… there are 5 within a one hour drive of our home. Of course, remember to drive responsibly!

Nashville! We are only a 2 hour drive from downtown Nashville. So much to do and say about Nashville, I really won’t go any further than to say it’s a very interesting city seeped in musical history.